Thursday, December 11, 2008

Virtual Feeling

The feeling created by the sound of the instruments, the chord structure, the lyrics, and the guitar is one of unique and fragile wonder and honesty.  Everything about the song is warm and inviting, like a hot bath coming in from the cold wind; The electric guitar sounds fuzzy and beautiful and perfect, the acoustic fleetingly gorgeous, and Dylan's voice sounds completely awe inspiring, like a hug.  Tom Wilson is the greatest vocal producer in the history of rock music, and it shows in recordings like this; he knew how to make Dylan's voice sound better than it ever could be in real life.  

Perhaps its just because I love the lyrics so much, and its influenced the way i listen, but I think that the chords, and the guitar lines and melodies just are a reflection of the feeling of whimsical pursuit of the infinite unknown.  The simple folk chord structure gives the song a tinge of the proletariat chic, the sound of the working man, the sound of the infinite many cogs of humanity that gives its lyrical themes of universal human struggles and feelings all the more weight.  

Most importantly, Dylan's vocal delivery is completely spot-on.  The way he yearns, and screams and yells at the listener but manages to keep a completely inviting and welcoming, up beat tone is monumental.  It is also the only way that these lyrics could be so powerful.

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